Can you slay The Edinburgher

The Edinburgher Challenge

This burger consists of 3x200g beef patties, topped with cheddar and bacon, a fried egg and onion rings served with chips.
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Burger Challenge Rules


Tell your waiter you’d like to “Challenge That” Edinburgher, and your stride of pride can begin as you are about to take on to the Sultan of Swat, the King of Crash, the Colossus of Clout. AKA, the Mother of all burgers.


We encourage moral support in form or fashion of huddles, group hugs, team pow-wows, etc. Trust us, you’ll need it.


Your server will place a buzzer clock on your table to start the countdown. The clock is like hot lava, DO NOT TOUCH.


Your Suicide Challenge Burger only comes one way, with everything on it, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, bacon, fried egg and onion rings.


You must eat everything on your plate (no big crumbs).


You will have ten (10) minutes to complete the challenge.


You must be timed by a Mitchells Ale House employee or representative.


The Mitchells Challenge Burger will not be cut prior to challenge.


If you “lose your lunch” at any point while at Mitchells or if the representative feels that you may “lose your lunch”, the challenge is over.


Oh, and in case you’re interested, you clean up your “lunch” if you happen to “lose it”


In the event you accomplish this mighty feat, you will receive a key ring and your picture on the Wall of Fame. Fail and you’ll forever face your picture on the Wall of Shame. And crying? There’s no crying at Mitchells!


Mitchells Ale House may have the right to use your name and/or picture in future promotions.


You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have proper I.D. to participate or have parent sign and agree to conditions.


By entering this contest you do so by your own will and do not hold Mitchells Ale House responsible for any mishaps or for your actions in any way.


You are not allowed to leave the table at any time while engaged in the challenge (yes, this means no potty breaks). You must remain at the table for 5 minutes following challenge.


“Hero’s get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid, and you’ll never go wrong.” -The Babe
When you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you’ll finally see the truth- that hero lies in you
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